Designed to be used to study the true depth of Electrogastrography and the ability to diagnose various neuro-dysfunctions as related to the digestive system, in the uniform environment of the classic Water load testing protocol. It is the only EGG system that uses health normal data for comparison and to derive myoelectrical activity-based subsets of disease. Provided with this platform is: 1) automated minute selection and artifact detection, 2) running spectral analysis, 3) Summary graphics with signal subset analysis, 4) standardized interpretation of GMA signal, 5) suggested diagnostic categories, 6) gastric accommodation data and 7) GMAT Threshold calculator.
Based off of the technology of the Standardized Water Load plarform, this research focused platform is designed for open architecture collection of GMA data. Researchers are free to use this version of the Electrogastrogram to pursue testing for a wide range of possible conditions that could lead to yet undiscovered cause/effect relationships that can aid in various diagnoses. Automated minute selection and artifact detection, standardized interpretation, and suggested diagnoses are not included. All data is able to be conveniently loaded into an excel spreadsheet format for outside software interpretation. Studies may be performed for up to 3-4 hours.
Designed to be used to study the true depth of Electrogastrography ability to evaluate the various neuroenteric functions and dysfunctions as related to the digestive system in the canine model, this platform conforms to the normal 4cpm GMA found in the canine. The canine platform is an adapted Research Focused Platform.